Sci Fi Wire -- The News Service of the Sci Fi Channel
Battlestar renewed!
New video blogs are also available on their site as well as deleted scenese from season 2. Off to watch now...
( ... plenipotentiary for Soviet Canuckistan in Chicago, USA )
Battlestar renewed!
Dec16 - Toby to Rocky.
Ex-Fema boss starts disaster firm
The man who lost his job as head of the US response to Hurricane Katrina has started up a new firm - dealing with disaster readiness....
Mr Brown said his experience could be used to demonstrate how firms and agencies can better prepare themselves for unseen problems, and how to react when they arise.
He said the way he was criticised hurt, especially his family.
But he added: "I'm moving on with my life. I'm doing a lot of good work with some great clients... My wife, children and my grandchild still love me. My parents are still proud of me."
One: "According to the man steering this whole process, one of the aims of co-management is to break down the barriers between intellectual and physical labour; between those who do the thinking and those who do the work."
From the concluding pages of The Concept of Irony:
Therefore, if at times someone is heard talking with great superiority about irony in the infinite striving in which it runs wild, one may certainly agree with him, but insofar as he does not perceive the infinity that moves in irony, he stands not above but below irony. So it is always wherever we disregard the dialectic of life. It takes courage not to surrender to the shrewd or sympathetic counsel of despair that allows a person to erase himself from the number of the living; but this does not necessarily mean that every sausage peddler, fed and fattened on self-confidence, has more courage than the person who succumbed to despair. It takes courage when sorrow would delude one, when it would reduce all joy to sadness, all longing to privation, every hope to recollection--it takes courage to will to be happy; but this does not necessarily mean that every full-grown adult infant with his sweet, sentimental smile, his joy-intoxicated eyes, has more courage than the person who yielded to grief and forgot to smile. So it is also with irony.
I introduced my dad to my landlords..."This is my mother."
They don't do Remembrance Day in America. It's like living on Mars or something. Anyway, I went down to the Consulate to get my poppy, because I'm such a hardcore Canadian.
The Guardian Unlimited has published a smear on Noam Chomsky that so willfully violates minimal standards of journalism that it would be shocking to find in a trashy American newsrag. Original article here.
I got my phone, I got my computer, I got my DSL (approximately 4% as fast as in Japan), and I even have a lamp for my computer desk.