Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Suspicions confirmed

One of my Japanese coworkers overheard me talking to one of the Japanese staff at another school over the phone and told me I sounded like a Japanese person... just one who isn't very good at speaking Japanese. Which should be encouraging news, I suppose, but, as I mentioned before in comments, this just confirms my hunch that a lot of Japanese people probably take me for a Japanese guy who's, you know, differently abled in the head. I told my coworker as much, and she (being nearly as willful as a strong-willed western woman) told me I should preface all my Japanese conversations with something to the effect of, "Just so you know, I'm not a stupid Japanese guy, I'm a smart Canadian guy. OK?" Well, it could make for some interesting encounters at restaurants I suppose.

I think I'll start wearing my Canadian pin again.


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