Monday, February 07, 2005

Bring 'em on!

Meanwhile at my workplace I'm looking at dealing with a series of fairly serious personnel problems, all of which have developed within the past 3 days, including, but not limited to, a developing feud between English- and Japanese-speaking staff.

But, hey, I'm still in a very good mood. I am virtually unflappable. If the feud turned into a shooting war (I have reason to believe that one of the participants is an NRA supporter), that still wouldn't even come close to flapping me. In fact it would help break up the day.

I've been asked to visit the Chicago campus round about the end of March--the trip would either be mostly or entirely free, and I'll probably end up taking it. I considered trying to work a swing through Canada into the mix, but this is going to be hard enough to coordinate with work as it is. If any other schools pipe up and ask me to drop by, my schedule is going to become one heck of a pickle.


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