Words like "irony" and "hypocrisy" don't cut it any more
Palestinians 'made millions' selling cheap cement for barrier they bitterly oppose
I'm not quite sure how to comment on this.
It's not that I expect (as the headline suggests) that all Palestinians will always band together, or that nationalism, or any other ideology, is so strong as to reliably overrule the force of, say, greed.
But one would expect Arafat to display the merest iota of genuine concern for the welfare of the people that are purportedly "his own".
The report reveals that the cement originally came from Egyptian companies which supplied it at a huge discount of $22 (£12.50) a ton to help rebuild dilapidated Palestinian houses or buildings bulldozed by the Israelis.
I am utterly appalled--and this is just the effect of mere sympathy. I cannot imagine how I would feel if I were an average Palestinian hearing this news--let alone one of those who had a home bulldozed to make way for the Wall.
The Wall was the reason my home was destroyed.
Fortunately, it can be rebuilt.
There is cement to be used in rebuilding my home.
Unfortunately, the cement is all gone.
The cement was used to build the Wall.
The Wall was the reason my home was destroyed.
Fortunately, ...
- some Palestinian going stark raving mad