Monday, July 12, 2004

The People Here...

Yesterday I had to teach a class in a special room with its very own air conditioner. Now, I don't think we've had a day in the last few weeks that's been under 30 degrees. Yesterday I think it was well over 30. I walk into the room, wearing a suit as required, and start teaching. I thought, it's quite warm in here and ask if anyone is too hot. One pregnant lady agrees and I go over to the thermostat. It is set to 26 degrees, a fine warm day in Vancouver. However, when I ask if anyone would like me to turn the temperature down, two of the five students vigorously protest! And they tell me, it's good for your body to have such high temperatures inside your house. ???

Needless to say, I succeeded in getting them to allow me to turn the temperature down by two degrees. We had a vote, which passed three to two. What happened after this episode? The two who lost put on their sweaters. ARGH.


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