Saturday, March 06, 2004

Souvlaki Triple Threat!

Or should that be "triple treat"? Eh? Eh?

Chris and Apis (our hosts during the last few days of 2003) are staying with us until next Wednesday while they attend a conference in Yokohama. Tonight, they most graciously treated us to Greek food. Now, we had planned to return to the Athens in Chinatown, but last night, on a whim, I did a last-minute search for Greek cooking on, and ran across a link to Spyros in Harajuku. The menu looked promising, and the advice on choosing olive oil boded well. So we decided to go there instead.

Good. Choice.

Exhibit A: The bread basket is accompanied by taramo and melitseno spread--you can tell how very Greek those are just from the way they sound.

Exhibit B: The lamb chop dish (in contrast to the Athens version) includes not only lamb chops, but also cous-cous and potatos in that lovely Greek style.

Exhibit C: The souvlaki platter. Seeing the option of beef, pork or chicken, Kate chose beef--and yet, when her dish arrived, it bore three skewers of three different kinds of meat. Turns out it wasn't an either-or option at all! Served with tzatziki sauce.

Exhibit D: The head waiter is half-Japanese, half-Greek. Could it be that his fully Greek forebear heads up the kitchen? Future forays may yield an answer. And maybe some free appetizer for the young lady with the Greek surname (and, by implication, her fiance as well).

Yes, we'll definitely be repeat customers there. The only hitch was discovering that we had unwittingly stolen the table of another party of four that actually had a reservation. Oops!