Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The internet is hereby legitimated

Pandora may well be the single coolest site on the entire web. Here's what you do: you enter the name of a musical artist or a song. The site calls up a song by that artist, or a song similar to the one named (not the one named, due to licensing restrictions). You listen, and, if you like, give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down. The next song comes up, and, again, you can give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down. The program tries to pick out musical features you seem to like, and chooses subsequent songs based on that.

The program has done an amazing job of zoning in on at least two strains of my musical taste. I seeded once with Smashing Pumpkins, and then with Bob Dylan, and it introduced me to a few artists and songs I'm going to have to acquire on my own. For example, a German band called Eisbrecher (not only do I like the style, but I'm a sucker for German lyrics). Or a live cover of Masters of War by Pearl Jam (OMGOMGOMGZZZ!!!!). Or this song that's probably fairly obscure, given that I could barely find the lyrics on the web:
Rod MacDonald: Who Built The Bomb? (That Blew Oklahoma City Down)

So who denied the bomb that blew Oklahoma City down?
"Not I," said the people, eyes glued to the screen
   as they pulled the bodies out from the scene.
"Those Arabs shouldn't have done what they done;
   what do you mean it was an American?
They should've gone on Oprah for
   'Guys who can't stop making war'
There's nothing I hate more than violence;
   if you ask me it would've made more sense
to let our boys win in Vietnam
   or drop the big one on Iran;
but killin' Americans, it ain't the same.
   No, you can't say we're to blame."

So who built the bomb that blew Oklahoma City down?
You can also arbitrarily specify new music to add to a developing playlist. I'm going to throw something purposefully cross-genre at it (Temptations and Nine Inch Nails?) to see if it can make anything out of that. (The program tells me that I have a propensity for "minor key tonaliy" and "extensive vamping", whatever that is, in both rock-ish and folk-ish contexts. So maybe it'll be able to figure something out.)


Blogger Kate said...

yeah,that site is awesome. i haven't really tried it yet, just did the first song. will go back to it later. :D

3:02 PM  

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