Monday, October 31, 2005

Friendly folks

People are really friendly around here. Here are sample conversations:

(when ordering my phoneline)
She: Is there anything else I can help you with?
Me: Um, well, does the DSL have an upload or download limit?
She: Hell, no! Trust me, you are going to love this, it is the bomb.
Me: Cool.

She sounded genuinely excited. I sold a lot of contracts in Japan, and I never got to describe anything as "the bomb".

(while a friend is donating a cigarette to some guy on the street)
Guy: Hey, did you see that girl?
Us: Huh?
Guy: That girl in the white shorts! She had a nice ass. Shit, you guys didn't even look! That girl had a nice ass.

There was one more great little exchange about our choice to pursue PhDs in philosophy--I forget the details, but it was also instigated via the exchange of cigarettes. I'm thinking of carrying around a pack of smokes just so that I can participate in this aspect of social interaction more often.


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