Happy New Year!
So we spent New Year`s Eve with Toby's relatives in Nagareyama. They provided a fantastic dinner with squid in its ink, horseradish with soysauce that you eat by itself, and lots of other goodies, including chocolate cake...:D
Toby's little cousin Amane made an appearance, being really cute as usual. Pictures to be posted upon development. Also, we met Toby's other uncle Hiromi. At midnight we went to a shrine and made a wish, watched the bell being hit by lots of hopeful teenagers (they are making lots of wishes so they will do well on their year-end exams), and had oranges and *amazake.
On New Year's Day we set out for Nikko. This after a huge breakfast spread prepared by Toby's aunt (we took a picture, it was that impressive ;)). There was sashimi, including octopus (yum). We got to take the special Express train (though not a Shinkansen) to Nikko, where we stayed at a really swanky hotel and saw (apparently) the equivalent of Niagra Falls (at least in height), called Kegon Falls. Here are two pictures of them:

The hotel is on a large lake, Chuzenji:

Also of note - on the bus on the way to the hotel, we saw a snow monkey. They are so cute! Unfortunately, we couldn't get a picture, but here is one anyways:

The hotel dinner was great - I think I had the best steak ever (sorry Dad ;)). Breakfast the next morning was also good - being the traditional Japanese breakfast just like Toby's aunt had prepared the day before. We had really nice breakfast sake (sweet but not horribly so), and other yummy things like smoked salmon.
Today we are at another hotel closer to Nikko's cultural center. We have taken almost two rolls of pictures entirely in the last three days, but won't be able to get them developed until we get back. I should mention that we were visiting 400 year old shrines and temples - where the first Shogun ruled. The buildings are amazing and there are lots of festivities since it is New Years. This is also the place that has the three monkeys (hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil).
I have left out lots of details because I am on a timed machine - 13 minutes and counting! More to come when we get home, hope you all have had a wonderful time this holiday. :)
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