Saturday, November 01, 2003

A Horrible No Good Very Bad Sucky Pooey Day

Excuse me while I rant away...

I had to try to find my mom's resume on their computer....ARGH!!!!

There are 6 copies of the same file, she has named every file after herself, with no identifying words at all. They are all like myname1.doc, myname2.doc, etc., etc... It is totally impossible to find anything. Furthermore, there are copies of the actual FOLDERS! ARGH!!!

So, I had to type the goddamn thing out by hand, and then do all the fricking formatting...and we're still not done. There are still two letters to write :(.

To top it all off, some people who I was really hoping to see tonight aren't coming. Sucky. :(:(:(

However, things can't get worse...right? I hope we all get some really good pictures tonight...I should be able to post em here via my SFU space.

Back to becoming a Flash 5 Master, while I await the inevitable call from the one in need. sigh.