OK, so we saw this - it's got Cate Blanchet and some other dude. Did you expect me to look it up? Hee hee ;). Anyways, the director, some other dude, apparently also did Run Lola Run, which I quite liked.
This Heaven movie is kewl. It's got some amazing footage - like the scene with the silhouette of the tree and the two runaways and the clouds flowing by in the background. Also, Cate Blanchet is very good - the movie isn't very verbose but she is very expressive anyways. There are some scenes where she is saying nothing at all, but the way her face changes - well it's excellent. I'm hoping the new movie coming out where she is the reporter will be good too... Probably won't be here to see it though. Ergh.
Back to Heaven. It's a European movie... And I guess necessarily the ending is very strange... But then, who needs endings anyways. Endings are so pretentious.

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