Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Update on Booker

Ok, so Vernon God Little by DBC Pierre won the prize. Toby says I can't be disappointed until I read it, but I still wish that Oryx & Crake won...;)

So I haven't had time to read any of the short listed books yet. However, I just finished LOTR for the 4th time, and now I'm onto William Gibson's latest, "Pattern Recognition". They say that it's his best since Neuromancer. I haven't read all of the post-neuromancer novels, but as for the ones I did read, I do think they couldn't beat Neuromancer. It's a little difficult to compare this one to those, because it's not a cyber-punk kinda book. Instead, it's set in the present, and provides an interested look at the marketing/advertising world through the eyes of an ad-alergic woman who is hired by firms to tell if an ad will work or not. So far, it's been excellent - there are some hillarious lines and it does have that sort of 'lots of loose ends mystery that all comes together in the end' feel that Neuromancer had. I am pleased with it - it's been an enjoyable read and best yet, it's only taken me two days and I've only got 50 pages left. Nothing worse than a book you put down all the time because it's boring. Not the case with this one. :D