Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hate of the Union

So it was a day late, but we decided to have a State of the Union Viewing Party--complete with popcorn! I invited a bunch of people, but I could only get one British guy to come. For some reason none of the Americans I know can stand to sit through a Bush speech (apparently it's worse if he's actually your president).

Some days, it's good to be a citizen of the Commonwealth.

I must admit, we weren't entirely civil while watching the speech; there may have been some heckling. A skeptical outburst or two was heard when Bush started talking about what needs to be done about America's "addiction to oil"; and, whaddya know, the moment the speech finished playing and I went online, I ran across this story (via Dadahead), in which we discover that that bit of the speech wasn't meant to be taken "literally".

From my point of view, the flip-flop seemed to happen instantaneously, but, to be fair, in reality it took a whole day. (A whole 24 hours, though? The timing is somewhat vague.)

I actually kept my cool pretty well through the whole speech, I thought, until the bit near the end where Bush declared, "We've entered a great ideological conflict we did nothing to invite." I sort of lost it at that point.


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