Sunday, October 03, 2004

More debate fun

Other gems from the transcript:

Bush: The enemy understands a free Iraq will be a major defeat in their ideology of hatred. That's why they're fighting so vociferously.

So that's why so many soldiers are dying in Iraq--it's from all the loud noises.

Bush: Of course we're after Saddam Hussein -- I mean bin Laden.

Yeah, gotta watch we don't mix those two up, huh?

Bush: It's hard work to go from a place where people get their hands cut off, or executed, to a place where people are free.

"Executed"? Gadzooks, listen to yourself Mr. Exgovernoroftexas McHypocriticalpants!

(The pessimist in me also looked for some terribly convoluted language from Kerry, but he was blessedly comprehensible, relatively speaking, I think.)

And the fallout:

First, here's some happy fun punditry.

To follow up, a video highlighting Bush's Faces of Frustration, courtesy of the Dems.

And, even better, evidence that that theme is being picked up by the media; see the caption to the picture accompanying this Newsweek story.

Dear American people: Your current President is an emotionally unstable idiot. For God's sake, please pay attention to this fact. And please do something about it. Also, please stop going to CSPAN so its servers can devote their full attention to letting Kate and me watch the debate footage. Thank you.


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